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  • iBT 新托福學術字彙「勝」經:必背精華版(附MP3)

  • 作者:楊佳瑜
  • 出版社:倍斯特
  • 出版日期:2016-03-31
  • 定價:420元
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踏出iBT學術考試「勝」利的第一步! 讓《iBT新托福學術字彙「勝」:必背精華版》Show You HOW! 關鍵在於熟悉學術相關閱讀,特別從歷史、文化、科學科技、行銷商業、自然地理到人文藝術7大類型著手,從閱讀吸收字彙! ★《iBT新托福學術字彙》一書必「勝」特色、考生必「備」理由: .於閱讀文章編寫上…… 1. 精選58篇學術文章,以歷史、文化、科學科技、行銷商業、自然地理到人文藝術篇分類。 2. 雙篇閱讀皆與該單元主題相關: ①. 第一篇→較有難度 ②. 第二篇→少了些沉重的知識 ③. 兩篇皆具專業度、刺激考生的批判思考能力! .於字彙收錄篩選上…… 1. 雙篇閱讀中的單字: 延伸的同反義字+關鍵例句 → 字彙量不再受閱讀所限制,而能有更效延伸、拓展。 2. 透過文章分類: 替大腦劃分記憶區塊+延伸字彙也能和雙篇閱讀與文章類型有效連結 → 大大提升iBT學術字彙量! .Bonus特色:於雙篇閱讀後另有【iBT新托福字彙閱讀應試技巧】,題目由筆者設計,加深考生對字彙的印象,更能提升閱讀及批判思考能力,一舉數得。 .搭配MP3用『聽』的記憶單字,效果加倍!


Part 1 History 歷史篇 Unit 01 1.1 The Cradle of Civilization 文明的搖籃 1.2 Archaeology 考古學 Unit 02 2.1 The Colonial History 殖民史 2.2 Windrush Windrush Unit 03 3.1 Chinese Immigration to the United States 華人移民潮 3.2 Chinese Food Invented in America 華人在美發名的美食 Unit 04 4.1 Indigenous People —— The Stolen Generations 原住民 —— 被偷的世代 4.2 The Dance of War —— Haka 哈卡戰舞 Unit 05 5.1 History of Slave Trade 奴隸交易史 5.2 The N——Word N開頭的字 Part 2 Culture 文化篇 Unit 06 6.1 The Peranakan Chinese—— Baba——Nyonya土生華人峇峇娘惹 6.2 Peranakan Cuisine 土生華人菜 Unit 07 7.1 Collectivism vs. Individualism集體主義 vs. 個人主義 7.2 Child Rearing in Individualism Societies and Collectivism Societies 集體主義及個人主義社會的孩童撫養方式 Unit 08 8.1 Intercultural Communication —— High Context vs. Low Context高情境文化與低情境文化 8.2 British Humor英式幽默 Unit 09 9.1 Culture Shock文化衝擊 9.2 How to Overcome Culture Shock 如何克服文化衝擊 Unit 10 10.1 Stereotypes刻板印象 10.2 Whitewashing in Hollywood 漂白的好萊塢 Part 3 Science and Technology科學科技篇 Unit 11 11.1 3D Printing —— a New Page of Manufacturing Industry3D列印技術開創製造產業新的一頁 11.2 3D Printed Gun 3D列印手槍 Unit 12 12.1 Astronomy and Aerospace Engineering天文學與航太工程 12.2 Scientific Facts in Movie: Interstellar 電影《星際效應》的科學事實 Unit 13 13.1 Generic Codes —— DNA基因密碼 —— DNA 13.2 Genetically Modified Food 基因改造食物 Unit 14 14.1 Artificial Intelligence 人工智慧 14.2 Military Robots軍事機器人 Unit 15 15.1 Material Science and Engineering 材料科學以及材料工程 15.2 Nanotechnology奈米科技 Part 4 Marketing and Commerce行銷商業篇 Unit 16 16.1 Marketing關於行銷 16.2 Search Engine Marketing 搜尋引擎行銷 Unit 17 17.1 Capitalism and Socialism 資本主義與社會主義 17.2 Neoliberalism 新自由主義 Unit 18 18.1 Economic Indicators 經濟指標 18.2 The Great Depression 經濟大蕭條 Part 5 Nature and Geography自然地理篇 Unit 19 19.1 Earthquake地震 19.2 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011 日本地震和2011年的海嘯 Unit 20 20.1 Climate Changes 氣候變遷 20.2 Climate Anomalies —— El Nino 氣候變異 —— 聖嬰現象 Unit 21 21.1 Food Chains 食物鏈 21.2 Animals on the Verge of Extinction —— Tropical Rainforests 瀕臨絕種的動物 —— 熱帶雨林篇 Part 6 Humanities人文篇 Unit 22 22.1 Literature 文學 22.2 Literature Adaption in Film Industry 改編文學作品的電影 Unit 23 23.1 Political Systems in the World 世界上的政治體系 23.2 Law法律 Unit 24 24.1 Feminism女性主義 24.2 Sexism and Racism behind The Suffragettes Movie 電影《女權之聲:無懼年代》背後的性別主義與種族歧視 Unit 25 25.1 Sustainable Energy永續能源 25.2 Nuclear Power Plant Theme Park核能發電主題園區 Part 7 Art 藝術篇 Unit 26 26.1 Arts and Politics 藝術與政治 26.2 Installation Art裝置藝術 Unit 27 27.1 Architecture Styles建築風格 27.2Perfect Mixture of Christian and Muslim Culture —— Alcázar of Seville基督教與回教文化的完美結合 —— 阿爾卡薩皇宮 Unit 28 28.1 Definition of Art 藝術的定義 28.2 Fauvism 野獸派 Unit 29 29.1 Music 音樂 29.2 Music Therapy音樂治療


  文字是最有力的軟實力,懂的單字越多,就越能精準的表達自己。托福不只測試考生的單字量,更挑戰對單字的敏感度,因此,就算是碰到不懂的字,也要練習從上下文推測意思。英文就和中文一樣,可以非常有彈性的調整用詞,因此,學習單字不能只是死背,更要靈活的練習用不同的方式「換句話說」。   本書的特色在於用文章引出單字,讓讀者在閱讀的同時,非常自然的消化單字。文章的選題廣泛,囊括歷史、文化、科技、科學、商學、自然、地理、人文科學、藝術等範疇。每一章有四到五個單元,每個單元有兩篇文章,第一篇大多是該主題的概論介紹,第二篇是趣事探討。為了刺激讀者的批判性思考能力,筆者刻意在某些單元中安排前後兩篇文章分別討論同一主題的正反論點,甚至涉獵種族歧視、性別平等、氣候變遷、廢核等議題。   語言的學習沒有最好,只有更好。除了幫助準備托福考試之外,更希望本書可以啟發讀者學習的興趣,讓讀者觸類旁通,從多元議題延伸學習,這樣考過托福順利出國後,才能用更寬大的心胸與世界接軌。學會了單字,要刺激思考,這樣才能靈活運用,內化成自己的「單字庫」!


Unit 13
  13.1 Generic Codes - DNA Track 25   Some of our characters are congenital, some are acquired. Those inborn characters are written as generic codes in our body, which is called, DNA.   A chromosome is the packed structure made by DNA molecule in the cell’s nucleus. The unit of a short DNA section is called a gene which codes for a specific protein and defines the creature’s feature. Human body cells have 23 pairs of chromosome in the nucleus. Some chromosomes are shorter with fewer sets of genes. The longer ones can carry up to 2000 genes.   Every person is born with a unique set of DNA sequences, except for identical twins. Inheritance patterns of certain traits do not always pass from parents since it still needs to see if the patterns are dominant or recessive genes. Some of the gene traits have been identified such as eye colors, skin colors and some specific diseases. But the biotechnologists around the world are still working on decoding human being’s gene codes.   The present technology can examine some major diseases from DNA tests. For instance, Down syndrome is now as a routine part of prenatal test. However, some genes can only suggest the tendency of certain diseases but the traits does not definitely express.   中文翻譯   基因密碼 - DNA   有些特質是先天的,有些是後天習得的。那些天生的特質以基因密碼寫在我們的體內,也就是 DNA。   染色體是細胞核中,由 DNA 分子組成的結構組。DNA 組成的單位稱為基因,編碼負責特定蛋白質,決定生物的特質。人體的細胞核有二十三對染色體,有些較短,只有比較少的基因組,較長的可以有高達兩千組基因。   每個人生來都有獨一無二的 DNA 組合,除了同卵雙胞胎之外。基因依顯性或隱性而異,遺傳序列傳下的特定性徵並不一定會從雙親傳下,有些基因特徵能夠識別出來,例如眼睛顏色、膚色或罹患某些疾病的風險。但世界各地的生物工程學家仍在努力解開人類基因密碼的秘密,當前的科技已經能用 DNA 檢測驗出某些重大疾病,例如唐氏症現在就是產前檢查的一項例行檢驗。不過,有些基因只能代表此人較有可能罹患某些疾病,但這種病徵不一定會顯現出來。   重點字彙   1. congenital (adj.) 先天性的   延伸字彙:born, native, natural   Born in a family with the history of diabetes, he also suffers from this congenital disease.   出身在有糖尿病史的家族裡,他也深受這種先天疾病所苦。   2. acquire (v.) 取得;習得;acquired (adj.) 養成的、習得的   1. It took her three weeks to acquire all the books needed for her thesis from different libraries.   她費了三周才從不同圖書館取得論文所需的書。   2. He acquired the taste of cheese from the summer holiday in France.   他從暑假的法國行養成了對乳酪的品味。   3. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) 脫氧核醣核酸   The secret of the family is hidden in their DNA.   這個家族的秘密藏在他們的 DNA 裡。   延伸字彙:acid 酸的;alkaline 鹼性的   1. The area endured acid rain due to over industrialization.   這個區域因為過度工業化而深受酸雨所苦。   2. Sometime eating alkaline-forming food can calm an upset stomach.   有時吃些鹼性食物能緩和腸胃不適。   4. chromosome (n.) 染色體   Human cells have 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes   人類細胞有 22 對正染色體以及一對性別染色體。   5. molecule (n.) 分子   Water molecules are made of hydrogen and oxygen.   水分子由氫和氧組成。   延伸字彙:   nucleus核、核心;原子核;細胞核(複數:Nuclei/Nucleus)   1. The committee is the nucleus of the domestic film industry.   委員會是國內電影產業的核心。   2. The gene codes are hidden in cell nucleus.   基因密碼被藏在細胞核中。   6. protein (n.) 蛋白、蛋白質   Soya milk is a good source of protein.   豆漿是好的蛋白質來源。   7. identical twins (n.) 同卵雙胞胎;fraternal twins (n.) 異卵雙胞胎   1. The teachers are always confused by the identical twins in the class.   老師們總是被班上那對同卵雙胞胎搞得相當糊塗。   2. She looks nothing like her fraternal twin sister.   她跟她的異卵雙胞胎姊姊長得一點都不像。   8. biotechnology (n.) 生物工程;biotechnologist (n.) 生物工程學家   The biotechnologist is so passionate to his work that even dinner cannot interrupt his thoughts around the experiments.   這個生物工程學家對工作熱忱到就連晚餐也無法打斷他滿腦子實驗的思路。   9. Down syndrome (n.) 唐氏症   The parents decided to deliver the baby although the prenatal test shows that it carries Down syndrome.   那對父母決定生下孩子,即便產前檢查顯示出孩子得了唐氏症。   10. prenatal (adj.) 產前的   I need to ask for a half-day leave for my prenatal test.   我必須請半天假去做產前檢查。   13.2 Genetically Modified Food Track 26   Would you want apples to be bigger, sweeter and better not to turn brown after sliced? With the help of genetic engineering, an antioxidant gene may help to make the last request comes true.   Genetic engineering technologies allow scientists to improve organisms by changing their DNA sequences and inserting genes from either animal to plants, plants to animal, animal to animal or plants to plants. By being developed the ability to delay the ripening after picking up, the first genetically modified (GM) tomato was introduced in 1994. Nowadays, 80% of the soybeans, 35% of the corn and 80% of the cotton in the world are genetically modified.   GM food can be designed to be bigger, longer-lasting, more nutritious or even better immune to diseases and pests. Although this technique has enhanced the plants’ market values tremendously, its risk to harm human body is still unknown. GM food can also break the balance of food market and change natural environment. Therefore, more and more countries are now asked to set strict regulations on GM food’s production.   重點字彙   1. antioxidant (n. )抗氧化劑   Lemons and onions are both antioxidants that are tasty and easy to collect.   檸檬和洋蔥都是好吃又容易取得的抗氧化食物。   2. organism (n.) 生物、有機體   The water pollution killed many organisms in the sea.   水汙染殺死了許多海洋裡的生物。   3. ripe (adj.) 成熟的、適宜實用的;圓滑的;ripen (v.)使成熟、催熟   The tip of ripening bananas is to place them with rice.   催熟香蕉的小訣竅是把香蕉跟米放在一起。   The time is ripe for a new government.   換新政府的時機已經成熟。   4. immune (adj.) 免疫的   After working for two months, the secretary grows immune to the boss’s bad temper.   工作兩個月後,秘書就對老闆的壞脾氣免疫了。   延伸字彙:vaccine 疫苗;antibiotics抗生素   1. Oral polio vaccine (OPV) works effectively on infants to prevent poliomyelitis.   口服小兒麻痺疫苗 (OPV) 能有效防止嬰兒罹患小兒麻痺症。   2. Before antibiotics were introduced, any injury could cause life-threatening bacterial infection.   在抗生素問世前,任何傷口都可能導致致命的細菌感染。   5. pest (n.) 害蟲;pesticide (n.) 殺蟲劑、農藥   The frogs in the field eat most of the insect pests.   田裡的青蛙把大部分的害蟲都吃掉了   You have to soak the greens in water longer to get rid of the pesticide on the leaves.   你得把綠色蔬菜泡在水裡久一點,才能去除掉葉子上的農藥。   6. tremendous (n.) 極度的、巨大的   延伸字彙:astronomical, colossal   1. Your donation has helped our charity campaign tremendously.   您的捐款對我們的慈善運動幫助極大。   2. It's an astronomical number beyond imagination.   這是一個超乎想像的天文數字。   3. The new statue has a colossal size.   新雕像相當巨大。    iBT新托福字彙閱讀應試技巧   Question 1: Which of the following order describes the relationship between Chromosome, Cell, DNA and Nucleus?   (A) Nucleus> Cell > Chromosome> DNA   (B) Cell > Nucleus > Chromosome> DNA   (C) Cell > Chromosome > Nucleus > DNA   (D) Cell > Chromosome > DNA> Nucleus   解析:染色體由 DNA 組成,位於細胞核中,也就是細胞的核心,因此答案為細胞>細胞核>染色體> DNA,答案為 (B) 。   Question 2: Which of the following is not the reason for the authorities to set regulations on GM food?   (A) To maintain the balance on food market.   (B) To protect natural environment.   (C) To protect people’s health.   (D) To help promote GM food.   解析:設定基改食物規範的用意在於 (A) 維持食品市場的平衡、 (B) 保護自然環境以及 (C) 保障民眾的健康,而不是配合推銷基改食品,因此答案為 (D) 。



英國里茲大學專業語文與跨文化研究所碩士(MA Professional Language and Intercultural Studies at the University of Leeds) 畢業於英國里茲大學專業語文與跨文化研究所,在英國深耕多年,不只將英文提升到接近母語程度,也深入了解不同文化,並在工作之餘提供翻譯等語言服務。相信跨文化交流最根本的意義並不在於不同文化間的差異,而是超越語言和國界的人性共通點。


作者:楊佳瑜 出版社:倍斯特 書系:Learn Smart! 出版日期:2016-03-31 ISBN:9789869285506 城邦書號:A3980004 規格:平裝 / 雙色 / 352頁 / 17cm×23cm
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