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◆精選55則成語。 ◆每則成語用詼諧的政治漫畫呈現,將每位人物刻畫得幽默風趣、活靈活現。 ◆每幅漫畫搭配中文成語、羅馬拼音、英文字義,加上英文解說並切入商業用途。 ◆閱讀時先看漫畫及羅馬拼音,猜猜看描繪的是哪句成語,翻面則是詳細解說。 ◆每頁也可裁剪下來,作為單獨的藝術畫作裱框欣賞。 ◆寓教於樂,實用又有趣,是自用送禮兩相宜的絕佳禮物書。 Wisdom changes life. 全球第一本,以政治話題為題材, 用詼諧的漫畫,結合中國成語的智慧,編著的書籍, 更可作為經營管理策略的参考,幽默風趣,寓教於樂, 是一本不可多得,很有趣、有用的書。


1.一帆風順 2.火上加油 3.按兵不動 4.暗箭難防 5.海底撈針 6.百戰百勝 7.寶刀未老 8.閉門造車 9.不勞而獲 10.不自量力 11.財大氣粗 12.臥虎藏龍 13.草木皆兵 14.畫餅充饑 15.鷸蚌相爭,漁翁得利 16.高瞻遠矚 17.鞭長莫及 18.打草驚蛇 19.大刀闊斧 20.得寸進尺 21.庖丁解牛 22.點石成金 23.調虎離山 24.對牛彈琴 25.飛蛾撲火 26.釜底抽薪 27.隔岸觀火 28.隔靴搔癢 29.攻其無備 30.過河拆橋 31.雞蛋裡挑骨頭 32.腳踏兩條船 33.井底之蛙 34.九牛一毛 35.狐假虎威 36.空中樓閣 37. 知己知彼 38.立竿見影 39.兩敗俱傷 40.落井下石 41.和氣生財 42.皆大歡喜 43.雪中送炭 44.愚公移山 45.出奇制勝 46.盲人摸象 47.磨杵成針 48.騎虎難下 49.三頭六臂 50.守株待兔 51.顧此失彼 52.洞燭機先 53.神乎其技 54.高深莫測 55.一針見血


  Idioms and cartoons共55篇,其目的是讓國際人士及海外華青,透過本書學習中國成語,進一步了解中國式思維,作為體驗中華文化的開始。      中國成語是千年智慧的結晶,區區數字,好記、好用,往往在面對一個事件的態度及處理方式上,彷彿受到長者的指導和啟發。學習中國成語,無形中吸收了智慧,對於確定處理的方向和策略都大有益助。      中國成語不下上百上千則,筆者僅選少數常用的幾十則,用當今時事作為例子,來說明這幾十則成語的含義,本書所運用政治事件不一定能百分之百地詮釋該則成語,但讀者除了藉此學習成語之外,更可從政治漫畫中獲得會心一笑,寓教於樂而較易領會。當然對政治立場不同的人士,必須先說聲抱歉,筆者絕對沒有惡意,同時更必須向被引用到的國家領袖們先打個招呼,謝謝各位對中華文化分享全球民眾作出的犧牲和貢獻。      讀者可能是青年朋友,亦可能是高官大賈,期望您看過本書後,學習用四個中文字,向華人朋友表達您的想法,相信一定會讓聽者驚訝,贏得對方友誼。      現在,學習開始了,請看第一則。      Foreword      There are 54 idioms and cartoons. The aim is to enable foreign and overseas Chinese people to understand Chinese idioms and Chinese thinking, which can be regarded as the beginning of understanding Chinese culture. Chinese idioms are the crystallization of a thousand years of knowledge and wisdom. Only a few characters which are easy to remember and use. These characters often seem to be guided and inspired by the elderly in their attitude when handling daily issues. Learning Chinese idioms is a imperceptible process of absorbing knowledge and wisdom, which is helpful in setting direction and strategy for daily life, and can make the average people more mature and wiser.      There are more than thousands of idioms in China. The author chooses only a few dozens commonly used of them and takes current events as examples to illustrate the meaning of these idioms. Using political events might not clear enough to interpret the idiom, but in addition to learning idioms, readers can also get a smile from political cartoons, learning while entertaining, and it will be easier to understand. Of course, I need to apologize to people with different political opinions, there is absolutely no malice, but also greetings should go to leaders of the country that quoted. Thanks go to people’s the sacrifices and contributions for sharing the Chinese culture to the world.      The reader may be a young friend or a high ranking officer or a businessman. After reading this book, I hope you will learn to express your thoughts in Chinese idioms to your Chinese friends. I believe this will surprise the listener and gain the friendship.      Now, the study begins, please look at the first one.




作者:阿酋 出版社:城邦印書館 出版日期:2018-07-31 ISBN:9789578679337 城邦書號:3AC1021 規格:平裝 / 全彩 / 128頁 / 23cm×16.8cm
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