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Easy & Basic 餐飲口說英語(附MP3)
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  • Easy & Basic 餐飲口說英語(附MP3)

  • 作者:林書平
  • 出版社:力得文化
  • 出版日期:2016-05-03
  • 定價:380元
  • 優惠價:9折 342元
  • 書虫VIP價:323元,贈紅利16點 活動贈點另計
  • 書虫VIP紅利價:306元
  • (更多VIP好康)


最基礎、最容易學的餐飲口說英語! 最能讓餐飲業從業人員、餐飲科系師生WOW的一本英語學習書! 讚聲連連、特別用最基礎的英語,為自學、教學者設計的5大特色: 1.收錄Must-Know餐飲服務流程 含電話訂位、接待、指引客人、介紹菜單、點菜到結帳……等的17大基礎餐飲流程。 2.規劃SoReal、靈活應用的餐飲服務情境 特別針對3大客群【商務】、【家庭】、【導遊】設計一定碰上的應答、互動,每篇情境後整理出換句話說,不怕在真正的工作場合上詞窮、英文對話NG。 3.絕對最輕鬆好學、100%完美應用的關鍵句型 每單元4頁學習份量輕鬆,包含於各類餐飲流程的關鍵應答,並搭配中文翻譯與單字、例句,不懂的內容、單字,翻頁就能看到中譯和例句,問題即刻解決,學習更有效率! 4.最Special、不同於其他餐飲英語規劃的內容 特撰寫4單元的餐飲業番外篇,如參加異國美食展、推廣生機、蔬食飲食情境,餐飲英文不再侷限在店內,也能邁向國際展場上,將美食介紹並銷售到全世界! 5.提供方便、Easy學習的貼心設計 有書側套色標籤設計,依據基礎餐飲流程分類單元,幫助快速查找翻閱可回應服務需求的即時應答,立即鎖定想要的單元。 【適用讀者與學習特色】 自學者的你 餐飲科系學生 只給最精華的餐飲口說用法,擺脫繁重的學習。 準備進入外商餐飲業的社會人士 配合MP3用「聽」的同步記憶情境應答,僅用最少的時間,迅速掌握餐飲服務的口說英語應答、工作要點! 教學者的你 餐飲科系老師 學校教科書以外的最佳補充教材,替老師整理出最完整的餐飲流程,透過給予關鍵句的學習方式,幫助學習者有效建立自信心,並打好英語基礎,提高教學品質! 餐飲業英語培訓人員 用最基礎的餐飲口說英語,訓練好學員的英語能力,同時搭配本書替學員模擬最真實的服務情境,讓學員能真實應用在職場上,教學有效率!


Chapter 1 餐飲服務英語會話 Conversational English for Receiving Guests Unit 01訂位Reservation Unit 02確認及取消訂位 Booking Confirmation and Cancellation Unit 03接待及指引客人 Ushering Guests into Their Seats Unit 04介紹菜單及點菜 Introducing Dishes and Taking an Order Unit 05上菜服務 Serving Dishes Unit 06隨桌服務 Table Services Unit 07結帳送客 May/ Could I have the check, please? Unit 08處理顧客抱怨 Dealing with Complaints Unit 09其它 Others Unit 10外送餐點 Food Delivery Unit 11外帶餐點Takeout Service Unit 12吧檯服務Bar Services Unit 13自助餐服務Buffet Services ★ 職場補給站 Must-Know Tips ★ 重要句型整理 Useful Sentences Chapter 2其他餐飲服務英語會話 Conversational English for Other Dining Services Unit 01會議 Meetings Unit 02婚宴 Weddings Unit 03慶生 Celebrating the Birthday Unit 04外燴 Catering Services Unit 05生機飲食展 An Organic Food Show Unit 06推廣蔬食 Promoting the Vegetarian Food Unit 07參與外國美食展——行銷台灣Attending the Foreign Cuisine Exhibition and Introducing Taiwan Unit 08參與國家爵士音樂暨美食節 Attending the National Jazz and Cuisine Festival ★ 職場補給站 Must-Know Tips ★ 重要句型整理 Useful Sentences




Unit 03 接待及指引客人 Ushering Guests into Their Seats 3.1 情境對話——和商務客的應答 Converse with Business Customers
  Track 07   W: Waiter服務生,簡稱W。   G: Guest , Mr. Brown 商務客,Brown先生,簡稱G。   W: Good evening, welcome to Happy Friday Restaurant. May I help you?   G: Yes, we have a reservation at 6:30 PM under Jason Brown.   W: Let me take a look. A private room for ten?   G: Yes.   W: The private room is ready. This way, please.   G: We are still waiting for the other two vendors. They are not here yet.   W: I see. Would you like to be seated while waiting?   G: Thank you.   W: Here is the menu for you while waiting. If you need some water, please let us know.   G: OK.   Ten minutes later...   G: The other two vendors just called and told me they will be late, so we would like to start the meal first.   W: I see, sir. I’ll usher the other two guests to the private room when they arrive.   G: Thank you.   W: Please mind your step and kindly notice that the private room is a non-smoking area.   G: I see.   中文翻譯:   W:晚安您好,這裡是快樂星期五餐廳。請問有我可以效勞的地方嗎?   G:是的,我們預定晚上六點半的訂位,訂位人是Jason Brown。   W:讓我查一下。是十人,一間包廂嗎?   G:是的。   W:包廂已經準備好了,這邊請。   G:我們還在等其他兩位廠商,他們還沒有到。   W:我瞭解了。那您要坐著等他們來嗎?   G:謝謝。   十分鐘後……   G:另外兩位廠商剛剛打電話來告訴我,他們會晚點到,所以我們想先開始用餐。   W:我瞭解了。待他們兩位抵達後,我將會帶領他們兩位進包廂。   G:謝謝你。   W:請小心台階。提醒您,包廂內是禁止抽菸的。   G:我知道了。   單字Vocabulary   private adj. 私人的、個人的   例:That is my private opinion.   這是我個人的意見。   vendor n. 廠商   例:The company asked for some discounts to the vendor.   公司向廠商要了一些折扣。   arrive v.抵達、到達   例:The train will arrive at Taipei at 6 PM.   火車將會於晚間六點抵達台北。
3.2 情境對話——和家庭客的應答 Converse with Family Guests
  Track 08   W: Waiter 服務生,簡稱W。   G: Guest , Mr. Brown 家庭客,Brown先生,簡稱G。   W: Good evening, this is Happy Friday Restaurant. May I help you?   G: Yes. We would like to have a table for three.     W: Have you made the reservation?   G: No.   W: Ok, we still need to check if there are still available tables for you. It will take a while since it's a bit packed today.   Two minutes later...   W: Sir, we still have tables available for three. Would you come with me, please?   G: Yes, thank you. Is that a non-smoking area? My mother is allergic to the smell of cigarette. Sorry for the inconvenience.   W: Sir. There are no available tables in the non-smoking area for now. I'm afraid you would need to wait for a while.   G: How long are we going to wait?   W: About 10-20 minutes. Is that ok with you?   G: Ok. We will wait.   W: (One minute later...)Sir, we got a table reservation in the non-smoking area cancelled. The table is available now. This way, please.   G: Great!   W: Ok. Mind your head here.   G: Thank you.   W: Where would you prefer to sit?   G: I would like to sit by the window.   W: (Pulling the chair for the man...) Is this seat ok?   G: It’s good. Thank you.   W: You’re welcome, sir. Here are the menus for you. And I’ll be back later, ok?   G: Sure.   中文翻譯:   W:晚安您好,這裡是快樂星期五餐廳。請問有我可以效勞的地方嗎?   G:是的,我們想要一張三人的座位。   W:請問您有訂位嗎?   G:沒有。   W:好的,那麼我們還要確認一下現在有沒有位置。今天人有點多,可能要花一點時間喔。   兩分鐘後……   W:先生,我們還有一桌三個人的位置,可以請您跟我來嗎?   G:好的,謝謝您。請問那是非吸煙區嗎?我母親對香菸的味道過敏。很抱歉帶來不便。   W:先生,現在非吸菸區沒有位置了,我想您可能還要再等一等。   G:要等多久呢?   W:大概10~20分鐘,這樣您可以嗎?   G:好的,可以。   W:(一分鐘後……) 先生,非吸菸區有一桌位置訂位取消了,您可以來用了,這邊請。   G:太好了。   W:好的。這裡請您小心,別撞著頭了。   G:謝謝。   W:您想要坐哪邊呢?   G:我想要靠窗的位子。   W:這裡可以嗎?(為男士拉椅子……) 這裡可以嗎?   G:這裡很好,謝謝。   W:您別客氣,先生。這是給您參考的菜單,我稍會兒在過來,好嗎?   G:當然可以。   單字Vocabulary   mind v. 注意、留意   例:Please mind the gap while moving.   在移動時請留意台階。   allergic adj. 過敏的   例:Tina is allergic to seafood.   Tina對海鮮過敏。   prefer v. 更喜歡、寧願   例:I prefer staying at home to going out with him.   比起跟他一起出門,我更喜歡待在家裡。
3.3情境對話 — 和團體客導遊的應答 Converse with Tour Guides Track 09
  W: Waiter,簡稱W。   T: Tour Guide , Ms. Brown 導遊,Brown小姐,簡稱T。   W: Good evening, welcome to Milano Italian Restaurant. May I help you?   T: Yes, we made a reservation this evening at 6:30 PM under Judy Brown. It’s a 16-people group.   W: Ok, let me take a look. (one minute later...) Yes, Miss Brown. Have all the guests arrived here?   T: Not yet. We are still waiting for the other five guests. They are on the way now. But I think we could take a rest in the private room first and wait for the rest to come.   W: Ok. The private room is ready now. This way, please.   T: Thank you.   W: You are welcome, madam. We will usher the others when they arrive.   T: That will be great.   (The group members who arrived early are following the waiter.)   W: This way, please. Please mind your step here.   T: Ok.   W: Here is the private room for you. There are two restrooms on the second floor and the third floorrespectively. You can go this way, turn left at the end of hall and go upstairs. You will see the restrooms right up there.   T: Thank you.   W: Here are the menus and I’ll be back to take the order.     T: Ok.   中文翻譯:   W:晚安您好,這裡是米蘭義式餐館。請問有我可以效勞的地方嗎?   T:是的,我們有訂今晚六點半的位置,是個十六人的團體。   W:好的,讓我查一下。(一分鐘後……)是的,Brown小姐。請問客人都已經到了嗎?   T:還沒。我們還在等其他五位客人,他們在路上了。但我想我們可以先到包廂休息,等其他人來。   W:好的,包廂已經準備好了。這邊請。   T:謝謝你。   W:您別客氣,女士。等其他人到後,我們會帶他們到這裡。   T:這樣就太好了。      先抵達的團員跟著服務生……      W:這邊請。請小心步伐。   T:好的。   W:這是您預定的包廂。這裡有兩間洗手間,分別在二樓及三樓。您可以走這邊,大廳走到底左轉上樓後,您會看到洗手間了。   T:謝謝你。   W:這是菜單,我稍會再回來為您點餐。   T:好的。   單字Vocabulary   respectively adv. 分別地   例:The workers and the salesclerk got pay 4% and 3 % rises respectively.   工人及銷售員分別加薪4%及3%。   turn v. 轉彎、轉向   例:Go straight and turn right. You’ll see the supermarket is right there.   直走後右轉,你會看到超市就在那裡。   upstairs adv. 往樓上、在樓上   例:She went upstairs directly to her room.   她直接上樓到她的房間。
3.4 換句話說 In Other Words
  This way, please.   這邊請。   Would you come with me, please?   請跟我來。   Please come with me this way.   請跟我這邊走。   Would you please follow me?   請跟我來,好嗎?   Where would you prefer to sit?   您想要坐哪裡呢?   Where would you like to sit?   您想要坐哪裡呢?   Where would you like for your table?   您想要坐哪裡呢?   Where would you like to be seated?   您想要坐哪裡呢?   Would you like to be seated while waiting?   那您要坐著等他們來嗎?   Would you like to wait for them here?   您想在這邊稍後嗎?   Would you like to go first or wait until they come?   您想要先進去,還是等他們來呢?   You may have a seat here while waiting.   您可以坐在這邊等候。   The other two vendors just called and told me that they will be late, so we would like to start the meal first.   另外兩位廠商剛剛打電話來告訴我,他們會晚點到,所以我們想先開始用餐。   I just got the phone call and be informed that they will be late, so we would like to start the dinner first.   我剛接到電話,他們會晚點到,所以我們想先開始用餐。   They just phoned me and informed that they will be late for a while, so we want to start the dinner.   他們剛才打給我,告訴我會晚點到,所以我們想先開始用晚餐。   I think it’s better to start the meal because the other two vendors are being late.   我覺得先開始用餐比較好,因為我的兩位廠商會晚一點到。



曾參與學校系上的國際職場實習交換計畫,遠赴歐洲義大利,於歐洲知名連鎖藝術飯店擔任IT Hotel Management的實習工作,主要負責飯店官方網站及餐飲相關的翻譯工作,以及在華裔旅客來訪時,提供現場翻譯與支援等。


作者:林書平 出版社:力得文化 書系:Leader 出版日期:2016-05-03 ISBN:9789869285636 城邦書號:A3990004 規格:平裝 / 雙色 / 304頁 / 17cm×23cm
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